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Search results for nu,448 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,448
Translated headword: bastardy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] covert birth, [or] prostitution.[1]
Bastard's inheritance is the name for the [sc. belongings] that bastards inherit through their fathers; it was up to a thousand drachmas. So
Lysias and
Isaeus and
Aristophanes and
Hyperides and
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Aristokrates [sc. use the term].[2]
Greek Original:*noqei/a: h( laqrai/a ge/nna, h( pornei/a. *noqei=a, ta\ toi=s no/qois e)k tw=n patrw/|wn dido/mena ou(/tws kalei=tai: h)=n de\ me/xri xili/wn draxmw=n. ou(/tws *lusi/as kai\ *)isai=os kai\ *)aristofa/nhs kai\ *(uperi/dhs kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *)aristokra/tous.
This entry begins with the feminine nominative singular
noqei/a (the headword) but then--in the main section, deriving from Harpokration s.v. and attested also in other lexica--turns to the neuter plural
Compare generally
nu 447,
nu 449.
[1] For the first of these definitions cf.
nu 532. The second is not reflected in usage (and ignored in LSJ s.v.).
Lysias fr. 140 Sauppe (now 193 Carey OCT);
Isaeus fr. 92 Sauppe;
Birds 1655-6;
Hyperides fr. 17 Jensen;
Demosthenes 23.213.
Keywords: children; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; gender and sexuality; law; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 December 2000@04:36:24.
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