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Search results for nu,429 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,429
Translated headword: Nisyros, Nisyrus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: One of the Cyclades islands;[1] the one also [called] Porphyris from the
porphyry-deposits in it. [The name] is composed of the [verb]
nw=, [meaning] I swim, and the [verb]
su/rw ["I drag"]. For the story goes that a very large fragment of the island of
Kos was dragged by the Giant Polybotes, after Poseidon, in anger at Zeus, had struck [him] with a trident;[2] Poseidon hurled it at him but missed, so cutting off a significant part of
Kos with the point of his trident he placed the fragment over the Giant and made [it/him] into an island. The tale seems to have been made up because of the proximity of
Nisyros to
Kos and its smallness by comparison.
Nisyros produces good wine.
Greek Original:*ni/suros: nh=sos mi/a tw=n *kukla/dwn h( kai\ *porfuri\s a)po\ tw=n e)n au)th=| porfuri/wn. su/gkeitai para\ to\ nw=, to\ nh/xomai, kai\ to\ su/rw. e)pesu/rh ga/r, fasi/, *polubw/th| tw=| *gi/ganti me/giston tmh=ma th=s *kw= nh/sou, xo/lw| *dio\s plh/cantos *poseidw=nos triai/nh|, h(\n *poseidw=n e)p' au)to\n a)fei\s tou= me\n h(/marte, th=s de\ *kw= polu/ ti a)potemw\n th=| bolh=| th=s triai/nhs e)pikate/streye tw=| *gi/ganti to\ tmhqe\n kai\ ei)s nh=son a)pete/lese. dokei= de\ pepla/sqai o( mu=qos para\ th\n e)ggu/thta th=s *nisu/rou pro\s th\n *kw= kai\ th\n w(s pro\s e)kei/nhn smikro/thta. fe/rei de\ a)gaqo\n oi)=non h( *ni/suros.
Nisyros see generally E.E. Rice in OCD(4) s.v., and Barrington Atlas map 61 grid E4. The present entry (as Adler notes) is based on the entry in
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. but incorporates extra material, some of which is paralleled in
Strabo (10.5.16: web address 1). Similar information also appears in
Commentary on Dionysius Periegetes.
The entry is lacking, Adler reports, in mss AFV (M has it in the margin).
[1] More exactly, the Dodecanese or (southern) Sporades.
[2] Or (but less probably) "in anger at Zeus who had struck [him] with Poseidon's trident." Neither
Strabo nor
Eustathius (above) include Zeus in the story.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; mythology; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 September 2008@07:39:42.
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