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Adler number: nu,426
Translated headword: Nisibis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Genitive]
*nisibe/ws. Name of a city.[1] Also [sc. attested is] 'Nisibenos', [meaning] the citizen [sc. of it].
Clearly in a form of those on the Euphrates and in the East; but in Egyptian and Libyan, [it is] 'Nisibite'.[2] One needs to know that Nisibis is a city on the far side of the Tigris river. And
Philo writes it as
Nasibis with an alpha, meaning 'the columns',[3] but
Uranius [writes it as]
Nesibis, meaning in the Phoenicians' language 'stones gathered-together'.[4]
Greek Original:*ni/sibis, *nisi/bews. o)/noma po/lews. kai\ *nisibhno/s, o( poli/ths. tu/pw| dhladh\ tw=n peri\ *eu)fra/thn kai\ e(/w, *ai)guptisti\ de\ kai\ *libusti\ *nisibi/ths. ei)de/nai de\ xrh= w(s th\n *ni/sibin po/lin e)n th=| perai/a| th=| pro\s tw=| *ti/gridi potamw=| *fi/lwn me\n *na/sibin gra/fei dia\ tou= a dhlou=san ta\s sth/las, *ou)ra/nios de\ *ne/sibin shmai/nousan *foini/kwn fwnh=| li/qous sumforhtou/s.
[1] In NE
Mesopotamia (Barrington Atlas map 89 grid D3); present-day Nusaybin, Mardin Province, Turkey. See generally OCD(4) s.v.
[2] From Herodian,
peri\ parwnu/mwn p. 887 Lentz,
Stephanus of
Ethnica p. 477 Meineke: "It should have been
*nisibi/ths, but that form is Egyptian and Libyan, while the form in
-hnos [is used] by the Euphrates and the East, as in Sophene, Tabene, Cambysene." (Sophene in Armenia, Tabis in Arabia, Cambyses River in Media.) This means not that the
-i/ths suffix is peculiar to North African languages or dialects of Greek, but that it is applied preferentially to North African placenames, while
-hno/s is applied to West Asian placenames.
[3] Herennius
Philo FGrH 790 F6, cited in Herodian,
De Prosodia Catholica p. 87, 276, 556 Lentz and
Stephanus of
Byzantium, offering an etymology of the name.
Uranius FGrH 675 F30, cited in
Stephanus of
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 25 November 2009@06:03:10.
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