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Search results for nu,416 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,416
Translated headword: Ninoe
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aphrodisias in
Karia, founded by Pelasgian Leleges; hence its [alternative] name Lelegon polis ["city of the Leleges"], on the model of Megale Polis. Then Ninoe, from Ninos. Its ethnikon [is] Ninoete.
Greek Original:*nino/h: h( e)n *kari/a| *)afrodisia\s oi)kisqei=sa u(po\ *pelasgw=n *lele/gwn: dio\ kai\ e)klh/qh *lele/gwn po/lis, meta\ de\ *mega/lh po/lis. ei)=ta a)po\ *ni/nou *nino/h. e)qniko\n au)th=s *ninoh/ths.
On Aphrodisias see generally OCD4 s.v.
Keywords: definition; geography; history; mythology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@11:18:24.
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