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Search results for nu,410 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,410
Translated headword: Nikon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man, it is said, won 1400 victory-crowns at
Olympia and
Nemea and the Isthmus and other festivals, in boxing and wrestling and pankration and running, etc. After he had departed this mortal life, one of those who had been his enemies while he was alive used to approach his statue and flog it; but the statue put an end to the outrager by falling on him. The sons of the deceased then pursued the statue with a homicide suit, and the Thasians threw it into the sea - adopting the law of Drakon the Athenian, in making rules even for inanimate murderers.[1] But the Pythia decreed that the statue had been badly treated and should be retrieved.[2] The fishermen could not [at first] see how to bring it up, but they loosened their nets for fish and brought up the statue. The Thasians then erected it where it had originally been.
Greek Original:*ni/kwn: ou(=tos pu\c kai\ pa/lhn kai\ pagkra/tion kai\ dro/mon kai\ ta)/lla e)n *)olumpi/a| kai\ *neme/a| kai\ *)isqmoi= kai\ a)/llois a)gw=si nikh/sas e)/labe stefa/nous, w(/s fasi, xili/ous kai\ u#. a)pelqo/ntos de\ au)tou= e)c a)nqrw/pwn, tw=n a)pexqanome/nwn tis w(s zw=nti au)tw=| parege/neto e)pi\ th\n ei)ko/na au)tou= kai\ e)masti/gou au)th/n: e)s o(\ pesou=sa e)kei/nh h)mu/nato to\n u(bristh/n. tou= de\ oi( pai=des e)pech/|esan fo/nou e)pi\ th=| ei)ko/ni, kai\ oi( *qa/sioi katapontou=sin au)th\n kata\ no/mon *dra/kontos *)aqhnai/ou, u(perori/zontos foneu/onta kai\ ta\ a)/yuxa. tau/thn de\ h( *puqi/a e)/xrhse kakw=s *qasi/ois pra/ttousin a)nenegkei=n. a)porou/ntwn de\ tw=n a(lie/wn peri\ th=s a)nagwgh=s, ta\ di/ktua xala/santes e)pi\ i)xqu=s a)nh/negkon th\n ei)ko/na. kai\ e)/sthsan au)th\n oi( *qa/sioi o(/qi kai\ prw=ton h)=n.
Summarized from
Pausanias 6.11.4-8 (web address 1). Despite the headword here, the athlete in question is
Theagenes of
Thasos, for whom cf.
theta 133 (and Paus. 6.6.5-6).
[1] Such cases in
Athens (including those against animals and against unknown human killers) were tried in the so-called Prytaneion court. See e.g.
Demosthenes 23.76, and generally D.M. MacDowell,
Athenian Homicide Law (Manchester 1963) chap.9. On Drakon, see
delta 1495.
[2] See J. Fontenrose,
The Delphic Oracle (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1978) 324 (nos.170-1 of the 'Quasi-Historical Responses').
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; art history; athletics; biography; ethics; geography; law; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 October 2001@05:33:36.
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