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Search results for nu,408 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,408
Translated headword: they might be victorious
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and nikw/|h ["he/she/it might be victorious"]: optatives.[1]
[Formed] out of nika/oimi, nikw=|mi with a change of the -mi into -hn by reason of metaplasm; such are also peripatoi/hn ["I might walk around"], gnoi/hn ["I might know"], doi/hn ["I might give"], bow/|hn ["I might shout"] and innumerable others.[2]
Greek Original:*nikw=|en kai\ *nikw/|h: eu)ktika/. e)k th=s nika/oimi, nikw=|mi troph=| th=s mi ei)s hn lo/gw| metaplasmou=: toiou=ton kai\ to\ peripatoi/hn, gnoi/hn, doi/hn, bow/|hn kai\ a)/lla muri/a.
[1] Third person plural and singular of
nika/w (cf.
nu 409). Evidently quoted from somewhere: there are many possibilities, but perhaps
Anabasis 1.10.5 and (already at
alpha 1140) 1.9.11 respectively.
[2] See
Etymologicum Magnum 606.17; in the margin of ms M of the Suda (lacking in other mss). Contract verbs have optative forms like
-oimi more commonly in the dual and plural, but forms like
-oi/hn more commonly in the singular (Smyth ยง392).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 October 2009@01:04:26.
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