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Adler number: nu,404
Translated headword: Nicostratus, Nikostratos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Macedon, a rhetor. He was included among the 10 orators judged to be of second rank;[1] he was a contemporary of
Aristides[2] and Dio Chrysostom;[3] for he lived under the emperor Marcus Antoninus.[4] He wrote
Toilers of the Deep, and very many other works; also encomia of Marcus and others.
Greek Original:*niko/stratos, *makedw/n, r(h/twr. e)ta/xqh de\ e)n toi=s kriqei=sin e)pideute/rois de/ka r(h/torsi: su/gxronos *)aristei/dou kai\ *di/wnos tou= *xrusosto/mou: h)=n ga\r e)pi\ *ma/rkou *)antwni/nou tou= basile/ws. e)/graye *dekamuqi/an, *ei)ko/nas, *polumuqi/an, *qalattourgou\s kai\ a)/lla plei=sta: kai\ e)gkw/mia ei)/s te to\n *ma/rkon kai\ a)/llous.
RE Nikostratos (27); PIR2 Alpha1427.
[1] For the 10 of the first rank (and an earlier era) see in brief OCD(4) s.v. Attic Orators.
[2] For
Aristides, see
alpha 3902.
[3] For Dio, see
delta 1240.
[4] Reigned AD 138-161 (see the second part of
alpha 2762).
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 20 June 2003@02:04:29.
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