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Search results for nu,40 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,40
Translated headword: Naryx, Naryka
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A city. In accounts it is referred to as feminine; it is also [called] Narykion and Naryke. Lokrian Aias[1] came from there.
Greek Original:*na/ruc: po/lis. i(storei=tai qhlukw=s legome/nh: h( kai\ *naru/kion kai\ *naru/kh: e)c h(=s h)=n o( *lokro\s *ai)/as.
An abridgement of
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. See also e.g.
Diodorus Siculus 14.82.8, 16.38.3. [See also Barrington Atlas map 55 grid D3, where it appears as 'Naryka' -- presumably a variant of Naryke rather than the accusative case of Naryx.]
[1] The lesser of the two Homeric heroes who bore this name (Ajax in its Latinized form). See generally OCD4 s.v., and
alphaiota 8,
alphaiota 9.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; mythology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@07:51:11.
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