A type of [sc. musical] instrument.
*na/bla: ei)=dos o)rga/nou.
Same entry in other lexica: see the references at
Photius nu1 Theodoridis.
West (below) 77: "[t]he
nablas or
nabla was a Phoenician harp that arrived in Greece about the end of the fourth century BC. Its sound is described as 'throaty'. It was played without a plectrum, and was regarded as suitable for merrymaking."
See also LSJ(9) s.v.
na/bla, h(: "
a musical instrument of ten or (acc. to J[osephus] AJ 7.12.3)
of twelve strings, cj. in S[ophocles] fr.849, cf. LXX 1 Ki.10.5, al.:--also
na/blas, -a, o(, Sopat[er fr.] 16, Philem[on fr.] 44, Str[abo] 10.3.17; cf.
nau=lon I. (Semitic word, cf. Hebr. ֵבֶל
nēbel; Phoenician, acc. to Ath[enaeus,
Deipnosophists] 4.175B [= 4.77 Kaibel].)".
psi 15.
M.L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992)
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