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Search results for nu,398 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,398
Translated headword: Nikomachos, Nikomakhos, Nicomachus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: From Stageira;[1] a philosopher, son of
Aristotle the philosopher;[2] a pupil of
Theophrastus and, as some [say] his lover also.[3] He wrote
Ethics in six books[4] and [a commentary] on his father's lectures in physics.
Greek Original:*niko/maxos, *stageiri/ths, filo/sofos, ui(o\s me\n *)aristote/lous tou= filoso/fou, maqhth\s de\ *qeofra/stou, w(s de/ tines kai\ paidika/. e)/grayen *)hqikw=n bibli/a #2#, kai\ peri\ th=s fusikh=s a)kroa/sews tou= patro\s au)tou=.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 3 March 2003@15:51:22.
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