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Search results for nu,394 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,394
Translated headword: Nicolaus, Nikolaos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Rhetor, an acquaintance of
Plutarch and
Proclus (I mean the
Plutarch nicknamed Nestorius).[1] He wrote
Progymnasmata, and rhetorical declamations, and certain other works. His floruit was under the emperor Leo the elder,[2] until [the reigns of]
Zeno and Anastasius.
Greek Original:*niko/laos, r(h/twr, gnw/rimos *plouta/rxou kai\ *pro/klou [*plouta/rxou de\ le/gw tou= e)pi/klhn *nestori/ou]. e)/graye progumna/smata kai\ mele/tas r(htorika\s kai\ a)/lla tina/. h)/kmazen e)pi\ *le/ontos basile/ws tou= presbu/tou kai\ e(/ws *zh/nwnos kai\ *)anastasi/ou.
C.A. Gibson. "Was Nicolaus the Sophist a Christian?" Vigiliae Christianae 64.5 (2010) 496-500.
G.A. Kennedy. Greek Rhetoric under Christian Emperors. Princeton 1983. 66-9.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 20 June 2003@01:59:48.
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