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Search results for nu,376 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,376
Translated headword: Nikanor, Nicanor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There have been three Nikanors: one the son of Balakros, a different one the son of Parmenion, and another a Stageirite by nationality - [this last] is mentioned by
Hyperides in the [speech]
Against Demosthenes.[1]
Greek Original:*nika/nwr: trei=s gego/nasi *nika/nores, o( me\n ui(o\s *bala/krou, e(/teros de\ *parmeni/wnos, a)/llos de\ *stageiri/ths to\ ge/nos: ou(= kai\ *(uperi/dhs mnhmoneu/ei e)n tw=| kata\ *dhmosqe/nous.
D. Whitehead (ed.), Hypereides, The Forensic Speeches (Oxford 2000)
Keywords: biography; geography; history; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@10:56:05.
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