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Search results for nu,374 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,374
Translated headword: Nicander, Nikander, Nikandros
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Xenophanes; of Colophon (according to some, of Aetolia); simultaneously grammarian and poet and doctor; lived in the reign of the young
Attalus, i.e. the last, the victor over the Gauls, who was overthrown by the Romans.[1] He wrote
Georgica, 5 books of
Collection of Cures,
Prognostics, in epic verse -- metaphrased from
Prognostics, three books
On All Oracles, and very many other works in epic verse.
Greek Original:*ni/kandros, *cenofa/nous, *kolofw/nios, kata\ de/ tinas *ai)twlo/s: a(/ma grammatiko/s te kai\ poihth\s kai\ i)atro/s, gegonw\s kata\ to\n ne/on *)/attalon, h)/goun to\n teleutai=on to\n *galatoni/khn, o(\n *(rwmai=oi kate/lusan. e)/graye *qhriaka/, *)alecifa/rmaka, *gewrgika/, *(eteroioume/nwn bibli/a e#, *)ia/sewn sunagwgh/n, *prognwstika\ di' e)pw=n: metape/frastai de\ e)k tw=n *(ippokra/tous *prognwstikw=n: *peri\ xrhsthri/wn pa/ntwn bibli/a tri/a: kai\ a)/lla plei=sta e)pikw=s.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; chronology; epic; geography; medicine; military affairs; meter and music; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 20 June 2003@01:47:55.
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