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Search results for nu,373 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,373
Translated headword: Nicagoras, Nikagoras
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of the rhetor Mnesaeus; an Athenian, a sophist; he lived under the Caesar Philip.[1] [His works include]
Lives of Famous People,
On Cleopatra in Troas,
Embassy Speech to Philip the Roman Emperor.
Greek Original:*nikago/ras, *mnhsai/ou r(h/toros, *)aqhnai=os, sofisth/s: ge/gone de\ kata\ *fi/lippon to\n *kai/sara. *bi/ous e)llogi/mwn, *peri\ *kleopa/tras th=s e)n *trw|a/di, *presbeutiko\n pro\s *fi/lippon to\n *(rwmai/wn basile/a.
RE Nikagoras (15); PIR2 Nu74. Father of
Minucianus; cf.
mu 1087.
[1] Philip "the Arab", reigned AD 244-249.
Heath, M. "The family of Minucianus?" ZPE 113 (1996) 66-70.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 20 June 2003@01:44:11.
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