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Search results for nu,343 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,343
Translated headword: island
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. The word is formed] out of the [verb] nw= ['I swim'], [future] nh/sw; as if swimming in water.[1] Or also, they say, as if from the bird [called] nh=ssa ['duck'], by similarity.[2] From this [is derived] nhsi/ths ['belonging to an island'] and by pleonasm nhsiw/ths,[3] like a)groiw/ths ['countryman'].[4]
Greek Original:*nh=sos. e)k tou= nw=, nh/sw: h( oi(=on e)gkolumbw=sa u(/dati. h)/, fasi/, kai\ w(s a)po\ tou= o)rne/ou th=s nh/sshs, kaq' o(moio/thta. e)nteu=qen *nhsi/ths kai\ pleonasmw=| *nhsiw/ths, w(s a)groiw/ths.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 January 2003@21:45:50.
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