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Adler number: nu,337
Translated headword: Neriton
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a mountain [of that name].[1]
There is also a nĂªritos forest, [sc. meaning] a very thick one; that against which no other could contend (erisoi).[2]
But Nerikon, in [book] 10 of the Odyssey, [is] a place in Epeiros, the one later [called] Leucas.[3]
Greek Original:*nh/riton: o)/ros. e)/sti kai\ nh/ritos u(/lh, h( dasuta/th: pro\s h(\n ou)k a)\n e(te/ra e)ri/soi. *nh/rikon de\ e)n tw=| k# to/pos *)hpei/rou e)n *)odussei/a|, h( u(/steron *leuka/s.
[1] In Ithaca: see
Iliad 2.632,
Odyssey 9.22.
[2] Hesiod,
Works and Days 511: countless, from privative
nh- and a *
r(i- verb underlying
a)riqmo/s "number",
ei)kosinh/ritos "twentyfold" (Frisk). This definition is given in two variants in the
scholia to Hesiod, one with
e)ri/soi and the other with the equivalent
filonikh/seien. The latter is also in the
Etymologicum Magnum. The Suda's wording seems to propose its own etymology, "un-contended".
[3] Nerikos (the Suda gets the gender wrong):
Odyssey 24.377. The identification is made in the
scholia ad loc., but in fact Nerikos was the citadel of the island of Leucas: see also
Thucydides 3.7.4,
Strabo 10.2.8,
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; poetry
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 6 October 2009@03:38:12.
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