*nh/pia: ta\ bre/fh. para\ to\ nh sterhtiko\n kai\ to\ e)/pos, ta\ mh/pw le/gein duna/mena. h)\ para\ to\ nh e)pitatiko\n kai\ to\ h)/pion, ta\ para\ to\ de/on h)/pia.
The headword is a neuter adjective in the nominative/vocative/accusative plural; see LSJ s.v.
nh/pios, -a, -on. It is evidently extracted from somewhere, probably
Iliad 2.136 (web address 1);
Hesychius s.v.
nh/pia references this verse.
[1] The gloss is a neuter noun in the nominative, vocative, and accusative plural; see LSJ s.v.
bre/fos, -eos, to/ (
babe in the womb, new-born babe) and
Hesychius s.v.
[2] For the first note, on the privative prefix form, see Orion [
Etymologicum 108.11. Both etymologies are covered by
Etymologicum Magnum 604.15-21. [In her critical apparatus, Adler notes that mss AFV omit this part of the entry, and ms M places it in the margin.]
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