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Search results for nu,288 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,288
Translated headword: Neileos, Neileus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name; [the one] which [is] also Neileus in common dialect[1] or Neileus in Aeolic.[2] A colony of his is reported [to have gone] into Asia.[3] From, they say, the [word] ne/os ['new'] and the word lew/s ['people'] comes Neoleos and by crasis of e and o to the diphthong ei [comes] Neileos, as in Kleosthenes, Kleisthenes, Pleosthenes, Pleisthenes, de/on, dei=n, ple/on, plei=n. Or, they say, from Neleus, genitive Neleos has come Neileos by ascent of the genitive to the nominative and by Boiotian change of the eta to the diphthong ei produced, as in Aeolic with proparoxytonesis.
Greek Original:*nei/lews: o)/noma ku/rion: o( kai\ *neileu\s koinw=s h)\ *nei/leus *ai)olikw=s: ou(= a)poiki/a peria/|detai ei)s *)asi/an. gi/netai, fasi/, para\ to\ ne/os kai\ to\ lew\s *neo/lews kai\ kra/sei tou= e kai\ o ei)s th\n ei di/fqoggon *nei/lews, o(moi/ws tw=| *kleosqe/nhs, *kleisqe/nhs, *pleosqe/nhs, *pleisqe/nhs, de/on, dei=n, ple/on, plei=n h)/, fasi/n, a)po\ tou= *nhleu\s *nhle/ws genikh=s ge/gonen a)nadromh=| th=s genikh=s ei)s eu)qei=an kai\ troph=| *boiwtikh=| tou= h ei)s th\n ei di/fqoggon *nei/lews, *ai)olikw=s meta\ proparocutonh/sews.
[1] With oxytone accent:
*neileu/s; cf.
nu 312.
[2] With paroxytone accent:
*nei/leus. Recessive accent was a characteristic of Aeolic dialects.
[3] In various traditions,
Erythrai, Miletus, or even the entire Ionian dodecapolis.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; history; mythology
Translated by: Michiel Cock on 12 July 2005@08:23:16.
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