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Search results for nu,287 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,287
Translated headword: quarrel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a dispute with rebuke; but others [define it as] battle, rivalry, abuse. "[He] who shoots at me with useless contentiousnesses and quarrels".[1] [He is] speaking by way of blame. Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "quarrel of Odysseus".[2] Also [meaning] battle. "Since thus Athena led the neikos".[3] "There arose a neikos between us and the Eleans."[4]
But nikos [spelled] with an iota [means] victory. And not only is [neikos in the sense of] "rivalry" spelled with a diphthong [ei], but so is [neikos in the sense of] hand-to-hand combat. [5]
Greek Original:*nei=kos: diafora\ met' e)piplh/cews: oi( de\ ma/xh, filoneiki/a, loidori/a. o(/s me met' a)prh/ktous e)/ridas kai\ nei/kea ba/llei. le/gwn kata\ me/myin. kai/, nei=kos *)odussh=os. kai\ ma/xh. e)pei\ w(\s a)/ge nei=kos *)aqh/nh. *)hlei/oisi kai\ h(mi=n nei=kos e)tu/xqh. *ni=kos de\ h( ni/kh, dia\ tou= i. ou) mo/non de\ h( filoneiki/a dia\ difqo/ggou, a)lla\ kai\ h( dia\ xeirw=n ma/xh.
The first paragraph of this entry comes from
Photius (nu93 Theodoridis); more briefly already in
Hesychius mu233.
See also
nu 286.
Iliad 2.376.
Odyssey 8.75.
Iliad 11.721, 17.544.
Iliad 11.671.
[5] That is, the senses of
nei=kos as "dispute" and "battle" already given.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; military affairs; mythology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 23 September 2009@07:01:31.
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