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Adler number: nu,28
Translated headword: Naxian-made kantharos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There were boats with such a name,
kantharoi, made in
Naxos; the ones they now call
silphai, particular kinds of light craft.
Cratinus says that once, when they were masters of the sea, [the] Naxians used to use these
kantharoi.[1] Or [sc. the headword phrase is to be explained] thus: the men of former times used to create constructions with the same names as the cities that had invented the boats; e.g. they used to call 'Naxian-mades' the present-day
lemboi.[2] From the same [principle] [there are said] to be, also, '
Knidos-mades' from
Knidos, and 'Kerkyra' from Kerkyra, and [a] 'Paron'[3] from
Paros. But
Menander in
Ship-owner declared outright a
kantharos to be a boat.[4] It is also a kind of drinking-vessel. And in
Peiraieus [there is] Kantharos's Harbour. For there are three harbours [sc. there], this Kantharos's and the Aphrodision and five stoas in a circle.[5] [It is named] after a hero Kantharos.
Greek Original:*naciourgh\s ka/nqaros: ploi=a h)=n ou(/tw lego/mena ka/nqaroi, e)n *na/cw| gino/mena: w(s nu=n si/lfas le/gousi/ tina a)kati/wn ei)/dh. *krati=nos de\ le/gei, o(/ti qalassokratou=nte/s pote *na/cioi e)xrw=nto au)toi=s toi=s kanqa/rois. h)\ ou(/tws: tw=n ploi/wn ta\s eu(rou/sas po/leis ta\s a)rxitektoni/as e)poi/oun oi( pro/teroi e)pwnu/mous: oi(=on tou\s nu=n le/mbous *naciourgei=s w)no/mazon. e)k tou= au)tou= de\ ei)=nai kai\ *knidiourgei=s a)po\ *kni/dou, kai\ *ke/rkura a)po\ *kerku/ras, kai\ *pa/rwna a)po\ *pa/rou. a)/ntikrus de\ *me/nandros e)n *nauklh/rw| ka/nqaros ei)=pe ploi=on ei)=nai. e)/sti de\ kai\ ei)=dos pothri/ou. kai\ e)n *peiraiei= *kanqa/rou limh/n. trei=s ga\r lime/nes ei)si/n, ou(=tos o( *kanqa/rou kai\ to\ *)afrodi/sion kai\ ku/klw| pe/nte stoai/. a)po\ *kanqa/rou h(/rwos.
Peace 143 (web address 1), with scholion; cf.
kappa 310,
pi 718,
sigma 421.
Cratinus fr. 13 Kock, now 14 K.-A.
lambda 245.
[3] Besides
pi 718, cf. also
mu 1420.
[4] At line 4 of
Menander fr. 246 K.-A. (348 Kock, 286 K.-Th.).
[5] One expects (both here and in the parallel scholion) the three harbours to be named, but in fact only one is: the Kantharos or Goblet, apparently a term for all or part of the Great Harbour itself (see Robert Garland,
The Piraeus (1987) 9). For the Aphrodision, a shrine, see Garland 150; for the stoas, Garland 152-3.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; chronology; comedy; definition; food; geography; history; military affairs; mythology; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 September 2008@08:58:21.
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