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Search results for nu,274 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,274
Translated headword: you are carding clouds
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial saying] in reference to those laboring in vain and [in reference to] impossible [things].[1]
The verb cai/nein ["to card"] is perhaps taken from the one who said that the clouds are like fleeces spread out.[2]
Greek Original:*nefe/las cai/neis: e)pi\ tw=n ma/thn ponou/ntwn kai\ a)duna/twn. ei)/lhptai i)/sws to\ cai/nein e)k tou= ei)po/ntos, e)oike/nai ta\s nefe/las e)ri/ois a)napeptame/nois.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; imagery; proverbs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 May 2007@15:47:49.
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