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Adler number: nu,27
Translated headword: Naxia; Naxos, Naxus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A city.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] 'Naxian stone', [meaning] the Cretan whetstone; for
Naxos [is] a city of Crete.[2]
The man[3] who wrote that Naxia [is] a city of Caria, of which the citizen is [called] a Naxieus and a Naxiates, says also that [there is] a city of
Sicily [called]
Naxos;[4] also a Cretic one, from which [comes] the Naxian stone; if [this adjective] is written with an iota, he says it was taken as
kritikê ("critical"), meaning determining and disclosing.
Naxos [is] also a notable Cycladic island. [It is named] either from some person named
Naxos or from the [verb]
na/cai ["to squeeze"], that is to sacrifice. They say that the Naxian women there are the only ones to give birth in eight months, as a gift of Hera. Dionysus also, they say, was born in this way. And according to Heracleides there is a spring there, from which very sweet wine flows.[5]
Greek Original:*naci/a: po/lis. kai\ *naci/a li/qos, h( *krhtikh\ a)ko/nh: *na/cos ga\r po/lis *krh/ths. o( gra/yas o(/ti *naci/a po/lis *kari/as, h(=s o( poli/ths *nacieu\s kai\ *nacia/ths: le/gei kai\ o(/ti po/lis *sikeli/as *na/cos. kai\ *krhtikh\ de/, a)f' h(=s h( *naci/a li/qos: h(\n ei) dia\ tou= i gra/fetai, kritikh\ ei)lh=fqai le/gei, a)nti\ tou= diakri/nousa kai\ fanerou=sa. kai\ *kukla\s de\ nh=sos e)pi/shmos h( *na/cos. h)\ a)po/ tinos *na/cou, h)\ para\ to\ na/cai, o(/ e)sti qu=sai. fasi\ de\ ta\s e)kei= *naci/as gunai=kas mo/nas o)kta/mhna ti/ktein kata\ dwrea\n *(/hras. kai\ *dio/nusos de/, fasi/n, ou(/tws e)te/xqh. kai\ krh/nh de\ kaq' *(hraklei/dhn e)kei=, e)c h(=s oi)=nos r(ei= ma/la h(du/s.
[1] In
Karia (see below), present-day SW Turkey; Barrington Atlas map 61 grid F2.
[2] Also in
Photius nu26 Theodoridis (more briefly already in nu21); and cf. the
scholia to
Isthmian Odes 6.73 (106), where the phrase
*naci/an ... a)ko/nan occurs.
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. Naxia and
Naxos. His material now follows here, abridged (though conversely it is the Suda that provides the name of Heracleides).
[4] Barrington Atlas map 47 grid G3; present-day
[5] Heracleides of Pontus fr.136 Schütrumpf.
E. Schütrumpf, Heracleides of Pontus. Texts and Translation. New Brunswick, NJ, 2008
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: David Mirhady on 10 July 2009@17:32:56.
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