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Adler number: nu,261
Translated headword: Nestor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Laranda, in
Lycia,[1] an epic poet, the father of the poet
Pisander.[2] He was born in the time of the Emperor
Severus. [He wrote] a missing-letter
Iliad. In similar fashion
Tryphiodorus[3] wrote an
Odyssey. There is in the first book no letter alpha to be found and likewise, rhapsody by rhapsody, its letter of the alphabet left out. [He wrote]
Metamorphoses, as did
Parthenius of Nicaea,[4] and other things.
Greek Original:*ne/stwr, *larandeu/s, e)k *luki/as, e)popoio/s, path\r *peisa/ndrou tou= poihtou=, gegonw\s e)pi\ *seuh/rou tou= basile/ws: *)ilia/da leipogra/mmaton h)/toi a)stoixei/wton: o(moi/ws de\ au)tw=| o( *trufio/dwros e)/grayen *)odu/sseian: e)/sti ga\r e)n th=| prw/th| mh\ eu(ri/skesqai a)/lfa kai\ kata\ r(ayw|di/an ou(/tws to\ e(ka/sths e)klimpa/nein stoixei=on. *metamorfw/seis, w(/sper kai\ *parqe/nios o( *nikaeu/s, kai\ a)/lla.
For Lucius Septimius Nestor (lived under Septimius
Severus, emperor AD 193-211) and his marble tablets at
Ostia see OCD(4) p.1350. In a "missing-letter Iliad" (
leipogra/mmatos, "lipogrammatic," or
a)stoixei/wtos) the title letter of each book or "rhapsody" is avoided throughout the text of the book; thus no alpha is to be found in the text of the first book, titled in Homeric fashion
Two elegies in the
Greek Anthology (9.129 and 364; cf. 128, 536) may be examples of his
Metamorphoses, also mentioned here.
[1] Laranda is actually in
Lycaonia. See generally OCD(4) pp.868-9.
[2] Author of an epic in 60 books,
Heroic Marriages of the Gods. See
pi 1466, and OCD(4) p.1151, s.v. '
Pisander(3)'. This late poet is not to be confused with the early epic poet,
Pisander of
Rhodes (
pi 1465); cf. F. Vian,
Quinte de Smyrne (1959) 99-100.
tau 1111,
tau 1112.
pi 664.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 5 November 2001@04:23:52.
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