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Adler number: nu,260
Translated headword: Nestorios, Nestorius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: After Manes[1] and Paul[2] and Apollinarios[3] and Theodore[4] there appeared Nestorios from
Germanicia in
Syria,[5] who seized the [patriarchal] throne of Constantinople. Like Paul and Theodore his predecessors he misused the expression of the two natures in Christ; for he was son of [Theodore] from
Cilicia, and descendant of [Paul] from
Samosata. Because of this he made irreconcilable war on the holy Virgin Theotokos.[6] Becoming the third representative of this Judaizing heresy, he taught that the Christ was a different one in himself and God the Word was another, according to the erroneous doctrine of his forebears. And after him [came] Eutyches.[7]
This Nestorios being an eloquent speaker by nature was thought to be educated, but in truth he was ill-trained and did not deign to learn the books of the ancient interpreters. Puffed up with his talent for speaking he did not pay accurate attention to the ancients, but considered himself better than all of them.[8]
Greek Original:*nesto/rios: meta\ *ma/nenta kai\ *pau=lon kai\ *)apolina/rion kai\ *qeo/dwron e)fa/nh *nesto/rios a)po\ *germanikei/as th=s *suri/as, to\n qro/non *kwnstantinoupo/lews draca/menos: o(moi/ws th=| fwnh=| tw=n e)n *xristw=| du/o fu/sewn kakofro/nws a)poxrhsa/menos *pau/lw| kai\ *qeodw/rw| toi=s e(autou= progo/nois: ui(o\s me\n ga\r h)=n tou= *ki/likos, a)po/gonos de\ tou= *samosate/ws. kai\ dia\ tou=to pro\s th\n a(gi/an parqe/non kai\ qeoto/kon a)/spondon h)/rato po/lemon. tri/tos prosta/ths gegonw\s th=s *)ioudai+kh=s tau/ths ai(re/sews a)/llon ei)=nai par' e(autw=| to\n *xristo\n kai\ a)/llon to\n qeo\n lo/gon kata\ th\n patrikh\n au)tou= pla/nhn e)dogma/tise. meta\ de\ tou=ton *eu)tu/xhs. ou(=tos de\ o( *nesto/rios fusikw=s eu)/lalos w)\n pepaideu=sqai me\n e)nomi/zeto, th=| de\ a)lhqei/a| a)na/gwgos h)=n kai\ ta\s tw=n palaiw=n e(rmhneu/wn bi/blous a)phci/ou manqa/nein: tufou/menos ga\r u(po\ th=s eu)glwtti/as ou)k a)kribw=s prosei=xe toi=s palaioi=s, a)lla\ pa/ntwn krei/ttona e)no/mizen e(auto/n.
For favorable and unfavorable views of Nestorius, see web addresses 1 and 2.
[1] Manes or Mani:
mu 147.
[2] Paul of
pi 813.
[3] Apollinarios of Laodicea:
alpha 3397,
alpha 3398.
[4] Theodore of
theta 154.
[5] a.k.a.
Caesarea Germanice; present-day (Kahraman)maraş; Barrington Atlas map 67 grid D1.
[6] Nestorios rejected the title "Theotokos" (God-bearer) for the Virgin Mary, which was approved by the Council of
Ephesus in 431. Nestorios could be considered an intellectual or spiritual descendant of Paul and Theodore.
[7] Eutyches:
epsilon 3782. Up to this point the entry comes from the
Chronicon of George the Monk (470.10, 470.21, 471.8, 471.25-472).
[8] Socrates,
Ecclesiastical History 7.32.10.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 April 2005@12:52:54.
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