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Search results for nu,256 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,256
Translated headword: Nessus, Nessos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the centaur [of that name], about whom
Sophocles speaks. Deianeira says: "'my confidence lies in this: that it appears to be possible, but I am not yet familiar with any proof.'[1] [Chorus:] 'Rather, in acting you should know; since you would not have the knowledge, not even if you seemed to have it, without making the test.'"[2]
Greek Original:*ne/ssos: o( *ke/ntauros, peri\ ou(= fhsi *sofoklh=s. *dhi+a/neira/ fhsin: ou(/tws e)/xei g' h( pi/stis, w(s to\ me\n dokei=n e)/nesti, pei/ra| d' ou) proswmi/lhsa/ tw. a)ll' ei)de/nai xrh\ drw=san, w(s ou)d' ei) dokei=s e)/xein, e)/xois a)\n gnw=nai mh\ peirwme/nh.
[1] A superscript in ms M (=
Marcianus 448) and the text of
Sophocles read
ou) for
Trachiniae 590-593 (web address 1). The dialogue here relates to Nessus as follows. The centaur had attempted to abduct and rape Deianeira some years ago, so her husband Heracles shot him with an arrow. Before he died the centaur told Deianeira that his blood would act as a love-charm on Heracles. At the time of the action of the play, Heracles has just brought back a new girl, Iole, from the adventures that keep him away from home. Deianeira is jealous and uses the centaur's blood to stain a robe which she plans to use on Heracles to secure his affections. Here she discusses that plan with the chorus. See also
theta 412.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; definition; gender and sexuality; mythology; tragedy; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 April 2008@04:23:39.
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