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Adler number: nu,254
Translated headword: Nero
Vetting Status: high
Translation: emperor of [the] Romans. This man, while consolidating his power, drifted into profane doings and practiced deeds foreign to rule, playing the cithara and acting a tragedy and dancing in choruses in the theatres. And in addition to all his unlawful deeds, he added the defilement of fighting against God, becoming the first persecutor of the word of God. And after these things, he killed both his mother[1] and himself.
Nero, while still young, studied with philosophers and was examining closely the things concerning Christ; for he supposed that he was still living among men. And when he understood that [Christ] had been crucified by the Jews, he felt irritation and commanded that the chief priests Annas and Caiaphas and Pilate himself, who had been ruling then, come [to him] in chains. And having presided over the Senate, he learned the things that happened concerning him. Therefore those around Annas and Caiaphas were saying about him that "we handed him over to the laws and we did not err in our loyalty;[2] for the ruler who had authority, did what he wished." Therefore, Nero, irritated, threw Pilate into prison and released those with Annas and Caiaphas.
Simon the Magus was then at his prime. And when Peter and
Simon were arguing in the presence of Nero, Pilate was brought from the prison. And when the three were standing before Nero, he asked
Simon, "Are you the Christ?" and he said, "Yes". Next he asked Peter, "Are you the Christ?" and he said, "No; for while I was standing beside him, he was taken up into heaven". And [Nero] also asked Pilate, "Which out of these men is the one called Christ?". And he said, "Neither one; for on the one hand, Peter became his disciple and was brought into my presence as his disciple and he denied him, saying, 'I do not know the man.'[3] And I let him go. On the other hand, this
Simon was in no way known to me, and he had nothing in resemblance to that one; for this one is both Egyptian and quite filled out and with long hair and dark, entirely different from the form of that man". Therefore, the emperor, irritated, on the one hand against
Simon, having falsely called himself the Christ, on the other hand against Peter, having denied his teacher, threw them out from the council. He cut off Pilate's head, as one daring to kill such a great man without royal command.
And Nero acquired the name "clay mixed with blood".
[sc. This material] is in the [entry on] Alexander Aigaios.[4]
Greek Original:*ne/rwn, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn. ou(=tos krataioume/nhs au)tw=| th=s basilei/as e)s a)nosi/ous pra/ceis e)cw/keile kai\ a)llo/tria th=s basilei/as e)peth/deuse pra/gmata, kiqari/zwn kai\ tragw|dw=n kai\ o)rxou/menos e)pi\ tw=n qea/trwn. kai\ pro\s pa/sais au)tou= tai=s a)qemitourgi/ais kai\ to\ th=s qeomaxi/as mu/sos prose/qhke, diw/kths prw=tos geno/menos tou= qei/ou lo/gou. meta\ de\ tau=ta a)nei=le kai\ th\n mhte/ra kai\ e(auto/n. o(/ti *ne/rwn e)/ti ne/os w)\n e)sxo/laze filoso/fois kai\ ta\ peri\ tou= *xristou= katema/nqanen: e)/ti ga\r e)no/mizen au)to\n toi=s a)nqrw/pois sunanastre/fesqai. kai\ maqw/n, o(/ti u(po\ tw=n *)ioudai/wn e)staurw/qh, h)gana/kthse kai\ prose/tacen e)lqei=n tou\s i(erei=s *)/annan kai\ *kai+a/fan kai\ au)to\n *pila/ton to\n a)/rxonta to/te geno/menon sidhrodesmi/ous. kai\ kaqi/sas e)pi\ th=s sugklh/tou ta\ peri\ au)tou= pepragme/na katema/nqanen. oi( ou)=n peri\ to\n *)/annan kai\ *kai+a/fan e)/legon, o(/ti h(mei=s toi=s no/mois au)to\n paredw/kamen kai\ ei)s kaqosi/wsin ou)x h(ma/rtomen: o( ga\r a)/rxwn e)cousi/an e)/xwn o(/sa h)boulh/qh e)/pracen. a)ganakth/sas ou)=n o( *ne/rwn *pila/ton e)n tw=| desmwthri/w| e)ne/bale, tou\s de\ peri\ to\n *)/annan kai\ *kai+a/fan a)pe/lusen. h)/kmaze de\ to/te kai\ *si/mwn o( ma/gos. kai\ dialegome/nwn *pe/trou kai\ *si/mwnos parousi/a| *ne/rwnos, h)/xqh *pila/tos a)po\ tou= desmwthri/ou: kai\ paristame/nwn tw=n triw=n tw=| *ne/rwni, e)rwta=| to\n *si/mwna, su\ ei)= o( *xristo/s; o( de\ le/gei, nai/. ei)=ta e)rwta=| to\n *pe/tron, su\ ei)= o( *xristo/s; o( de\ le/gei, ou)/: e)mou= ga\r paristame/nou ei)s to\n ou)rano\n a)nelh/fqh. h)rw/thse de\ kai\ to\n *pila/ton, poi=o/s e)stin e)k tou/twn o( lego/menos *xristo/s; kai\ ei)=pen, ou)de\ ei(=s: o( me\n ga\r *pe/tros maqhth\s au)tou= ge/gone kai\ ei)shne/xqh par' e)moi\ w(s maqhth\s au)tou= kai\ h)rnh/sato au)to\n le/gwn, ou)k oi)=da to\n a)/nqrwpon: kai\ a)pe/lusa au)to/n. ou(=tos de\ o( *si/mwn ou)damw=s e)/gnwstai/ moi, ou)demi/an de\ e)/xei o(moio/thta pro\s e)kei=non: e)/sti ga\r ou(=tos kai\ *ai)gu/ptios kai\ e)mplhqh\s kai\ kata/komos kai\ me/las, pantelw=s th=s e)kei/nou morfh=s a)llo/trios. a)ganakth/sas ou)=n o( basileu\s kata\ me\n tou= *si/mwnos w(s yeusame/nou kai\ ei)po/ntos e(auto\n *xristo/n, kata\ de\ tou= *pe/trou w(s a)rnhsame/nou to\n dida/skalon e)ce/balen au)tou\s a)po\ tou= sunedri/ou. to\n de\ *pila/ton th=s kefalh=s a)pe/temen w(s thlikou=ton a)/nqrwpon a)nelei=n tolmh/santa di/xa basilikh=s prosta/cews. w(s de\ e)klh/qh o( *ne/rwn phlo\s ai(/mati pefurme/nos. kei=tai e)n tw=| *)ale/candros *ai)gai=os.
Ruled AD 54-68. See generally Miriam Griffin in OCD(4) s.v.; and
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry by Herbert Benario at web address 1. The present entry begins with George the Monk,
Chronicon 381.19-382.1, before turning (at greater length) to John of
Antioch fr.90 FHG (4.574), now 172 Roberto.
[1] Agrippina.
[2] cf.
kappa 122.
Matthew 26.70, 72, 74 (web address 2);
Mark 14.71 (web address 3);
Luke 22.57 (web address 4).
alpha 1128.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: biography; Christianity; clothing; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; meter and music; philosophy; religion; stagecraft; women
Translated by: Cindy Whitcomb on 9 December 2002@13:56:16.
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