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Adler number: nu,25
Translated headword: Nannion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Apollodorus in the [treatise]
On the Courtesans says that this courtesan is referred to as Goat because of her having eaten up Thallos the shopkeeper;[1] for goats love a shoot. She is also mentioned in comedy.
Antiphanes the Younger in the [treatise]
On the Courtesans says that Nannion is nicknamed Stageset because she seems to be more beautiful on the outside.[2]
Greek Original:*na/nnion: *)apollo/dwros e)n tw=| *peri\ tw=n e(tairw=n *ai)=ga le/gesqai fhsi\ tau/thn th\n e(tai/ran dia\ to\ *qallo\n to\n ka/phlon katafagei=n: xai/rousi ga\r ai( ai)=ges tw=| qallw=|. e)/sti de\ au)th=s mnh/mh kai\ e)n th=| kwmw|di/a|. *)antifa/nhs de\ o( new/teros e)n tw=| *peri\ tw=n e(tairw=n th\n *na/nnion fhsi\ *proskh/nion e)ponoma/zesqai dia\ to\ e)/cwqen dokei=n eu)morfwte/ran ei)=nai.
An abridgement of Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., commenting on the appearance of this name in
Hyperides fr. 141 Jensen.
[1] FGrH 244 F211a. Thallos means shoot or sprout (as the entry goes on to imply), which a real goat might well eat; but "eaten up" here stands for monetarily exploited (cf. the paraphrase in
Deipnosophists 13.587A [13.51 Kaibel]).
[2] FGrH 349 F2b.
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; daily life; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; imagery; rhetoric; stagecraft; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@07:32:07.
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