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Search results for nu,239 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,239
Translated headword: newly, recently
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] latterly.[1]
Just as out of the [genitive plural] mega/lwn ["of big ones"] [comes the adverb] mega/lws ["grandly"] and in Attic megalwsti/ ["far and wide"],[2] so [there is the sequence] ne/wn ["of new ones"], ne/ws ["newly"], newsti/. [3] And ou(/tw ti ["somewhat like that"] is similar, even though it is accented recessively.[4]
Greek Original:*newsti/: prosfa/tws. w(/sper e)k tou= mega/lwn mega/lws kai\ *)attikw=s megalwsti/, ou(/tw ne/wn, ne/ws, newsti/. kai\ e)/stin o(/moion to\ ou(/tw ti: ei) kai\ baru/netai e)kei=no.
[1] Similar glossing in other lexica, e.g.
Hesychius nu428.
[2] See LSJ s.v.; the adjective occurs in
Homer and
Sappho, and "Attic" should be understood in its Byzantine sense of "classical".
*megalwsti/ and
newsti/ are routinely listed together as illustrations of the
-t[e]i/ suffix, starting with Apollonius Dyscolus,
On Adverbs p. 162 Schneider, citing Tryphon before him. Apollonius identified
newsti/, rather than
megalwsti/, as "Attic".
[4] More importantly,
ou(/tw ti are two words, and the -
ti/ suffix of
newsti/ is unrelated to
ti "something".
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; poetry
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 5 September 2009@04:45:13.
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