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Search results for nu,232 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,232
Translated headword: new-bought
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] recently purchased. For Kleon was not an Athenian by birth, but a recent arrival in the citizen body. It is apparent through this that the Athenians are being rebuked, that they should have faith in genuine [Athenians], and those who have much benefited the city; instead they were honouring Kleon more. For we are brought up so that, out of the household slaves, we have more faith in those who have been born and fed with us at home, rather than those we have acquired through purchase.
Greek Original:*new/nhton: to\n newsti\ h)gorasme/non. e)pei\ mh\ e)k ge/nous h)=n *)aqhnai=os o( *kle/wn, a)lla\ newsti\ proselhluqw\s th=| politei/a|. e)mfai/nei de\ dia\ tou/twn, o(/ti kai\ tw=n *)aqhnai/wn kaqa/ptetai, o(/ti de/on pisteu/ein au)tou\s toi=s gnhsi/ois kai\ polla\ th\n po/lin eu)ergethko/sin, oi( de\ ma=llon e)ti/mwn to\n *kle/wna. pefu/kamen ga\r kai\ tw=n oi)ketw=n ma=llon pisteu/ein toi=s oi)/koi gennhqei=si kai\ suntrafei=sin, h)\ oi(=s a)\n e)pikthsw/meqa pria/menoi.
The entry is taken from the
scholia to
Knights 2, where the headword adjective occurs in the cited masculine accusative singular: "May the gods destroy with evil the evil new-bought Paphlagonian, for his decisions" (web address 1).
On Kleon (who is satirised as a Paphlagonian slave, but was nothing of the sort), see
kappa 1731.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; imagery; law; politics
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 5 September 2009@03:59:54.
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