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Search results for nu,215 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,215
Translated headword: nestling, chick
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also a new-born bird.[1]
"For my part, I know that for 8 whole days a small chick of a domestic bird was eaten by him."[2]
Greek Original:*neotto/s: kai\ o( neogno\s o)/rnis. oi)=da/ toi e)/gwge kai\ e)s h# o(/las h(me/ras a)nalwqe/nta au)tw=| katoikidi/as o)/rniqos ou) me/gan neotto/n.
[1] cf.
nu 208,
nu 214. (Apparently 'also' besides the definition given at
nu 214.)
Aelian fr. 315b Domingo-Forasté (318 Hercher). (Adler, following Bruhn, preferred the attribution to
Life of Isidore fr. 247 Zintzen (147 Asmus).)
Bruhn, Rheinisches Museum 45.276
Keywords: biography; definition; food; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 August 2009@00:55:36.
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