Suda On Line
Search results for nu,214 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,214
Translated headword: chick, nestling, yolk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the yolk of an egg, and the reddish-yellow [part].
Menander in
Andria [writes]: "and after this, my dearest, the yolk of four eggs."[1]
Clearchus in his book
On Wines says: "the origin comes under the white membrane; for the seed is in this and not in what they call 'yolk.' For the earliest [writers] were deceived when they said this. And the yellow [part] is an excretion of the seed."[2] But
Chrysippus in
On Oracles also bears witness that they called the yellow [part]
neotto/n. For he says that someone saw a dream that eggs were hanging from his bed and submitted it to a dream-interpreter, who said, "If you dig in that place you will find a treasure." When he found a wine-jar in which were silver and gold, he brought some of the silver to the prophet. The prophet said, "Aren't you giving me any of the yolk?"[3] And
Diphilos has used the expression "the yolks of eggs ran through in it."[4]
Greek Original:*neotto/s: h( tou= w)|ou= le/kiqos, kai\ to\ purro/n. *me/nandros *)andri/a|: kai\ tetta/rwn w)|w=n meta\ tou=to, filta/th, to\n neotto/n. *kle/arxos e)n tw=| *peri\ oi)/nwn suggra/mmati/ fhsin: o(\ diadi/dotai a)rxh\ u(po\ to\n u(me/na leuko/n: e)n tou/tw| ga\r to\ spe/rma kai\ ou)k e)n tw=| kaloume/nw| neottw=|. dieyeu/sqhsan ga\r oi( prw=toi tou=to fh/santes. kai\ e)/sti to\ w)xro\n peri/ttwma tou= spe/rmatos. o(/ti de\ to\ w)xro\n neotto\n e)/legon, marturei= kai\ *xru/sippos e)n tw=| *peri\ xrhsmw=n. o)/nar ga/r tina/ fasi qeasa/menon e)k th=s kli/nhs au)tou= kre/masqai w)|a/, prosanaqe/sqai o)neirokri/th|: to\n de\ ei)pei=n, o)ru/ttwn qhsauro\n eu(rh/seis kata\ to\n to/pon e)kei=non. eu(ro/nta de\ stamni/on e)n w(=| a)rgu/rion h)=n kai\ xrusi/on, e)negkei=n ti tou= a)rguri/ou tw=| ma/ntei: to\n de\ ma/ntin ei)pei=n: tou= de\ neottou= ou)de/n moi di/dws; kai\ *di/filos ke/xrhtai th=| le/cei: w)|w=n d' e)n au)th=| die/trexen neo/ttia.
Same entry in
Photius (nu152 Theodoridis); cf.
Hesychius nu363 (briefer), and Aelius
Dionysius (in
Commentary on the Iliad 228.44.
Menander [the comic poet] fr. 37 Koerte, now 40 K.-A. The Suda
editio princeps of
Demetrius Chalcocondyles (1499), and Richard Bentley (1662-1742), read
to\ neotto/n, i.e. neuter.
Clearchus fr.74a FHG (2.326).
Deipnosophists 8.345E (8.35 Kaibel) gives the title as
peri\ qinw=n On Sands (?), and this is adopted in F.Wehrli's edition of the fragments of
Clearchus (at no.98) -- though Wehrli assigns this actual fragment (no.76b) to another work,
Proverbia. Jonathan Toup ventured to correct it to
peri\ w)|w=n "On Eggs." Dobree emended
oi( prw=toi "earliest" to
oi( pro\ tou= "those before our time."
Chrysippus fr.1202 von Arnim; cf.
On Divination 2.134.
Diphilus fr.121 Kock, 120 K.-A.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dreams; economics; food; imagery; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 August 2009@01:34:09.
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