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Adler number: nu,199
Translated headword: Neon Teichos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is a place in Aeolis. He [who comes] from there [is a] Neoteichite. Likewise Cholon Teichos in Caria and its topikon Choloteichite.
Greek Original:*ne/on tei=xos: th=s *ai)oli/dos e)sti\ to/pos. o( e)kei=qen *neoteixi/ths. w(s kai\ tou= *xwlo\n tei=xos to\ peri\ *kari/an *xwloteixi/ths to\ topiko/n.
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. For this Neon Teichos (literally New Wall) see Barrington Atlas map 56 grid E4. (There was another one on the NW shore of the Propontis: map 52 grid B2.) 'Cholon Teichos' - Lopsided Wall? - is otherwise unattested.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 September 2003@10:46:59.
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