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Search results for nu,189 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,189
Translated headword: new-whetted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] recently sharpened. "But [your mother] when you perished cut the gray locks from her elderly head with new-whetted steel."[1]
Greek Original:*neoqhgei=: newsti\ a)konhqe/nti. h( de\ se/qen fqime/nhs poliou\s neoqhgei= sidh/rw| kei/rato ghrale/hs e)k kefalh=s ploka/mous.
The headword, dative singular of the adjective
neoqhgh/s, is extracted from the quotation (but see note 1).
Greek Anthology 7.181.3-4 (
Andronicus): the dialect should be Doric, with the dative
neoqh=gi from
neoqh/c. On this epigram, an epitaph for one Damocrateia, see Page (10-11). Page notes (11) that it was a long-standing ancient tradition for women to cut their hair during a time of mourning. Paton (102-103) does translate
si/dhros (
iron, here in the dative singular) as "steel"; although steel was known to the Greeks from the time of Alexander, it was used exclusively in the form of Damascene steel for sword fabrication, not for hair-cutting instruments; cf. Ginzel (web address 1).
D.L. Page, ed., Further Greek Epigrams, (Cambridge 1981)
W.R. Paton, trans., The Greek Anthology: Books VII-VIII, (Cambridge, MA 1993)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 December 2003@21:54:47.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (keyword; cosmetics) on 16 December 2003@06:31:30.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 6 June 2013@06:24:00.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 23 October 2020@23:02:16.
Catharine Roth (expanded notes) on 23 October 2020@23:07:17.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.1, added bibliography) on 10 March 2022@14:53:02.
Ronald Allen (further expanded n.1, added to bibliography, added keyword, added link) on 19 March 2022@17:16:57.
Ronald Allen (tweak bibliography) on 28 May 2023@20:05:10.
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