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Search results for nu,163 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,163
Translated headword: nemesis, Nemesis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] vengeance, justice, outrage, [divine] spite, chance.[1]
"[They] perceiving Nemesis, the executioner of braggarts, who pursued them with justice."[2] And elsewhere: "[he] did not escape the notice of Nemesis who opposes all the arrogant, but was compelled to be taught a lesson in [his] private misfortunes."[3]
"Nemesis was present, she who watches the things of the earth"; or in other words, she who watches unjust acts.
Babrius says [this] in the
Aelian [writes]: "palpable evidence of Nemesis the overseer, chastizing proud and disdainful ways".[5]
And [there is] a proverb: "at least Nemesis walks at your feet"; tantamount [to saying] the goddess swiftly pursues wrong-doers.[6]
"Unnoticed you walk at one's feet, snap one's haughty neck, and always hold sway over one's life with your forearm."[7]
Greek Original:*ne/mesis: me/myis, di/kh, u(/bris, fqo/nos, tu/xh. th\n tw=n a)lazo/nwn timwro\n sune/ntes *ne/mesin, h(/per au)tou\s meth=lqe su\n th=| di/kh|. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k e)/laqe th\n a(/pasin e)nantioume/nhn toi=s u(perhfa/nois *ne/mesin, a)ll' e)n tai=s i)di/ais h)nagka/sqh paideuqh=nai sumforai=s. parh=n d' h( *ne/mesis, h(\ ta\ gh=s e)popteu/ei: h)\ kai\ a)/llws, h(\ ta)/dik' e)popteu/ei. *ba/brio/s fhsin e)n *muqikoi=s. kai\ *ai)liano/s: *neme/sews e)fo/rou, tro/pous u(pero/ptas kai\ u(perhfa/nous kolazou/shs, e)nargh= martu/ria. kai\ paroimi/a: *ne/mesis de/ ge pa\r po/das bai/nei: paro/son me/teisi taxe/ws h( dai/mwn tou\s h(marthko/tas. lh/qousa de\ pa\r po/das bai/neis, gaurou/menon au)xe/na kli/neis, u(po\ ph=xun a)ei\ biota\n kratei=s.
See already
nu 162, and generally OCD4 Nemesis.
[1] This compendious list of synonyms (some closer than others) for the headword is also in other lexica, with other permutations elsewhere: see the references at
Photius nu111 Theodoridis.
Aelian fr. 231 Domingo-Forasté (232 Hercher).
Aelian fr. 232 Domingo-Forasté (233 Hercher).
Babrius 43.6. (The Suda adds the definite article.)
Aelian fr. 163 Domingo-Forasté (160 Hercher).
[6] See generally Tosi (cited under
alpha 378) no.898, on Horace's
culpam poena premit comes and Greek parallels.
Letter 95, p.235b Hercher, quoting
Mesomedes (translation at web address 1); see under
upsilon 559. On
Mesomedes, see
mu 668.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; history; mythology; poetry; proverbs; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 June 2000@13:35:52.
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