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Search results for nu,161 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,161
Translated headword: Nemesion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.
'Nemesion was on tip-toe with excitement and in suspense from his hopes and seemed to have met with a god-send in encountering me'.[1]
Greek Original:*nemesi/wn: o)/noma ku/rion. o( de\ *nemesi/wn a)nepterou=to kai\ mete/wros h)=n tai=s e)lpi/si kai\ e)do/kei e(rmai/w| e)ntetuxhke/nai e)moi\ perituxw/n.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 September 2003@10:13:02.
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