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Search results for nu,150 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,150
Translated headword: Nemea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and Isthmia: places, where annual contests used to be observed.[1]
Also the origin of the Nemean Lion, which was living there when Herakles killed it. There is also a feminine form of
Nemea, [sc. when it means] the place.[2]
Greek Original:*ne/mea kai\ *)/isqmia: to/poi, e)n oi(=s e)telou=nto e)pe/teioi a)gw=nes. o(/qen kai\ le/wn *nemeai=os, o(\n e)kei= nemo/menon a)nei=len *(hraklh=s. le/getai de\ kai\ qhlukw=s h( *neme/a, o( to/pos.
[1] In fact both the Nemean Games (for which cf.
nu 151) and the Isthmian Games were biennial. The ancient city of Isthmia (Barrington Atlas map 58 grid E2) is on the eastern coast of the Isthmus of Corinth.
Nemea is inland, some 25 km. to the southwest (cf.
nu 149).
[2] Sc. rather than the games. Differently accented, too:
*Neme/a rather than
Keywords: athletics; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@09:39:49.
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