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Search results for nu,136 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,136
Translated headword: fresh-rolleds
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Barley-cakes recently rolled out and soaked in honey, to which raisins and green chickpeas also were stirred in; these they would distribute to those taking part in the ceremonies. Some used to call them divine and blessed too. By ellipsis the Attic writers proffer 'fresh-rolleds' without adding 'barley-cakes'.
Greek Original:*neh/lata: ta\ newsti\ a)lhlesme/na a)/lfita kai\ me/liti dedeume/na, oi(=s kai\ a)stafi/des kai\ xlwroi\ e)re/binqoi sunefu/ronto: a(\ toi=s ta\ i(era\ telou=sin e)/nemon. e)ka/loun de/ tines au)ta\ kai\ a)mbrosi/an kai\ makari/an. kat' e)/lleiyin de\ prosfe/rousin oi( *)attikoi\ to\ neh/lata mh\ prostiqe/ntes to\ a)/lfita.
The headword occurs in
Demosthenes 18.260 (web address 1), and this is one of two strands (similar in content but differently arranged) of the lexicographical tradition on it. (For the other see Harpokration s.v.;
Photius has both -- nu87-88 Theodoridis.)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 December 2003@07:23:12.
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