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Search results for nu,10 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,10
Translated headword: Nazarite
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] he who is pleasing to God, and has been dedicated to him; a monk.[1]
One must note that when Claudius was emperor of Rome[2] Peter the Apostle ordained Evodius in
Antioch,[3] and the formerly-known Nazarites and Galileans came to be called Christians.[4]
Greek Original:*nazirai=os: o( qew=| kexarisme/nos, kai\ a)fierwme/nos: o( monaxo/s. i)ste/on de/, o(/ti e)pi\ *klaudi/ou basile/ws *(rw/mhs *pe/trou tou= a)posto/lou xeirotonh/santos *eu)o/dion e)n *)antioxei/a|, metwnoma/sqhsan oi( pa/lai lego/menoi *nazirai=oi kai\ *galilai=oi *xristianoi/.
[1] Similar glossing in
Hesychius nu10.
[2] 41-54 CE.
[3] First bishop of
Antioch after Peter:
Eusebius 3.22; see web address 1.
[4] For the Nazarites (Hebrew נְזִרִים /nəzɪrim/, "separate" or "consecrated") in the
Septuagint see e.g.
Numbers 6:1-21; also web address 2. In the present context (quoted from
chi 523) there seems to be confusion between "Nazarite" (Hebrew נזיר /nazɪr/) and "Nazarene" (
nu 9; from the Hebrew נצרת /natsɛrɛθ/, Nazareth). The confusion may go back to the Gospels:
Matthew 2.23 "he shall be called a
*nazwrai=os" (cf.
nu 12); but the interpretation of this passage is disputed, especially since the alleged quotation has no obvious source in the
Old Testament.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; history; religion
Translated by: Alex Gottesman on 21 November 2002@12:42:17.
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