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Headword: *mh/ s' o( qumo\s a(rpa/sas e)kto\s oi)/sei tw=n e)laiw=n
Adler number: mu,984
Translated headword: let your spirit not seize you and carry you beyond the olive-trees
Vetting Status: high
The saying appears to say something particular, and indeed [sc. it does], since there were olive-trees at the end of the hippodrome, through which those who fell in the race were carried out. He means to say "do not speak outside of the topic."
Greek Original:
*mh/ s' o( qumo\s a(rpa/sas e)kto\s oi)/sei tw=n e)laiw=n: e)mfai/nei o( lo/gos w(risme/non ti le/gein, kai\ ma/lista, w(s e)p' a)/krou i(ppodro/mou e)lai=ai h)=san, kaq' o(\ e)cefe/ronto oi( u(popeptwko/tes kata\ to\n dro/mon. qe/lei de\ ei)pei=n, e)kto\s tou= prokeime/nou mh\ le/ge.
The headword phrase is Aristophanes, Frogs 994-5, and the content of the entry is derived from the scholia thereto.
Dover ad loc.: "it is not known whether 'the olive trees' refers to a particular course familiar to Athenians or rests on an assumption about race-courses in general".
Keywords: agriculture; athletics; botany; comedy; definition; geography; imagery; poetry; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 July 2009@00:08:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 19 July 2009@04:57:12.
David Whitehead on 22 May 2013@04:52:17.


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