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Search results for mu,961 in Adler number:
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Headword: *mh\ no/mison
Adler number: mu,961
Translated headword: do not think
Vetting Status: high
Meaning you should not think.[1] So Thagenides [sc. uses the phrase].[2]
Greek Original:
*mh\ no/mison: a)nti\ tou= mh\ nomi/sh|s. ou(/tws *qageni/dhs.
[1] The distinction, hard to convey in translation, is between the aorist imperative (headword) and the aorist subjunctive (gloss).
[2] 'Theagenides' in one manuscript. Photius' version of the entry (mu407) has 'Thoukydides', but Theodoridis obelizes it there, for in fact this is fr. 3 Kock (4 K.-A.) of the comic poet Thugenides (cf. under tau 944). See also chi 181, and further in Theodoridis' Photius edition, vol.II pp.LXVII-LXVIII.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 May 2003@09:40:14.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified translation and note, set status) on 1 June 2003@04:35:36.
William Hutton (minor correction) on 1 June 2003@04:36:28.
David Whitehead (augmented n.2) on 11 June 2004@03:54:18.
David Whitehead (expanded notes; cosmetics) on 18 October 2011@10:04:19.
David Whitehead on 22 May 2013@03:51:11.
David Whitehead on 3 February 2014@06:40:10.
David Whitehead on 28 December 2014@05:49:52.


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