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Adler number: mu,952
Translated headword: dura mater; meninx
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [The term for] a membrane covering the brain. With the so-called meningophylax ["meninx-guard"] covering the membrane, the living tissue becomes insensate and unmoving.[1] [Note] that the senses beginning from the brain proceed through the nerves up to the sensory organs. Therefore the sense of hearing proceeds as far as the base of the ears, which they call "meninges". There is a nerve provided with pores proceeding from the brain, in the pore [of which] there is an optic air-flow. There is, then, a certain air intercepted in the cavity of the ear which is combined with the meninx and the membrane. This air, then, receiving noises from the outside air and itself having an ability to conduct sound, transmits the sounds through itself into the meninx. It goes on from the rather wide passageway of the meninx. One should not consider this to be only air, even if it is of the same substance, and indivisible, as if it were always one and the same in number; rather, it is divisible into parts and generable just like any other physical component of man. It receives directly the impacts of the air outside. Therefore the ear also experiences loud sounds, when the air outside is thrust violently and with force it thrusts this similar air in the ears and often disperses it. And on account of the circumstantial functions, or the immersions in waters, this air is built in for protection of the sensory organ. Because of this nature also made the cavities of the ears spiral-shaped, so that something could not easily enter and strike the meninx.[2]
Greek Original:*mh=nigc: u(mh\n to\n e)gke/falon ske/pwn. tou= de\ kaloume/nou mhniggofu/lakos e)piteqe/ntos th=| mh/niggi, a)nai/sqhton to\ zw=|on gi/netai kai\ a)ki/nhton. o(/ti ai( ai)sqh/seis a)po\ tou= e)gkefa/lou a)rxo/menai dia\ tw=n neu/rwn a)/xri tw=n ai)sqhthri/wn proi/+asi. pro/eisin ou)=n kai\ h( a)koustikh\ du/namis me/xri th=s r(i/zhs tw=n w)/twn, a(\s kalou=si mh/niggas. e)/sti de\ neu=ron a)po\ tou= e)gkefa/lou proi+o\n peporopoihme/non: e)n w(=| po/rw| e)sti\ to\ o)ptiko\n pneu=ma. e)/stin ou)=n a)peilhmme/nos tis a)h\r e)n tw=| koilw/mati th=s a)koh=s, sumfuh\s w)\n th=| mh/niggi kai\ tw=| u(me/ni. ou(=tos ou)=n o( a)h\r dexo/menos e)k tou= e)/cwqen a)e/ros tou\s yo/fous, e)/xwn kai\ au)to\s th\n dihxh= du/namin di' e(autou= ei)s th\n mh/nigga diaporqmeu/ei tou\s yo/fous. pro/eisi d' a)po\ platute/rou po/rou th=s mh/niggos. ou) dei= de\ nomi/zein tou=to mo/non a)e/ra, ei) kai\ sumfuh/s e)stin, h)/dh kai\ a)/fqarton ei)=nai, w(s a)ei\ e(/na kai\ to\n au)to\n tw=| a)riqmw=| o)/nta: a)ll' e)/sti kata\ me/rh fqarto\s kai\ gennhto\s w(/sper kai\ to\ a)/llo tou= a)nqrw/pou sw=ma. a)me/sws de\ de/xetai ta\s tou= e)/cwqen a)e/ros prosbola/s. dio\ kai\ u(po\ tw=n mega/lwn yo/fwn pa/sxei h( a)koh/, tou= e)/cwqen a)e/ros sfodrw=s w)qoume/nou kai\ th=| bi/a| w)qou=ntos to\n e)n toi=s w)si\ sumfua= tou=ton a)e/ra kai\ polla/kis diaskedannu/ntos au)to/n. kai\ dia\ ta\s peristatika\s e)nergei/as, h)/toi ta\s e)n toi=s u(/dasi katadu/seis, e)gkatw|kodo/mhtai ou(=tos o( a)h\r ei)s fulakh\n tou= ai)sqhthri/ou. dia\ tou=to kai\ e(likoeidei=s e)poi/hsen h( fu/sis tou\s po/rous tw=n w)/twn, i(/na mh\ r(a|di/ws ei)se/rxhtai/ ti kai\ plh/ch| th\n mh/nigga.
[1] John
On Aristotle's De anima 19.8-11 Hayduck. The 'meningophylax' is not another anatomical term but describes an aspect of human medical intervention: either 'a metallic protector to prevent injury to the meninx in operations on the skull' (LSJ), or a dressing offering a simpler sort of protection.
[2] John
On Aristotle's De anima 365.16-38 and 365.5-17 Hayduck.
See also under
alpha 937,
alphaiota 326,
kappa 2078.
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 April 2008@05:33:35.
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