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Search results for mu,949 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,949
Translated headword: Menas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that in the church of Saint Menas[1] a great pit was found, when it was cleaned, and a quantity of bones of giant men. When the emperor Anastasius[2] saw these and was astounded, he put them in the palace as an extraordinary marvel.
Greek Original:*mhna=s: o(/ti e)n tw=| naw=| tou= a(gi/ou *mhna= o)/rugma eu(re/qh me/ga, o(/te e)kaqai/reto, kai\ o)sta= a)nqrw/pwn giga/ntwn ei)s plh=qos: a(/tina qeasa/menos *)anasta/sios o( basileu\s kai\ e)kplagei\s ei)s to\ pala/tion kate/qeto ei)s qau=ma e)cai/sion.
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.22 (cf. Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 162.9-12); cf.
omicron 709.
[1] Evidently not the most famous saint of this name (an Egyptian).
[2] Anastasius:
alpha 2077.
Keywords: architecture; biography; Christianity; geography; historiography; history; medicine; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 July 2009@22:52:33.
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