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Search results for mu,940 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,940
Translated headword: to probe, to sound
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to insert something into a depth. Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
th\n fa/ragga mhlw=sai ["to probe the throat"], [meaning] to anoint[1] with the finger.
Aristophanes [writes]: "to probe the throat, he will have only two drachmas."[2]
Also [sc. attested is]
mh/lh ["probe"], an instrument, with which something is anointed and spread on.[3]
Greek Original:*mhlw=sai: to\ kaqei=nai/ ti ei)s ba/qos. kai\ th\n fa/rugga mhlw=sai, to\ diaxri=sai tw=| daktu/lw|. *)aristofa/nhs: th\n fa/rugga mhlw=sai, du/o draxma\s e(/cei mo/nas. kai\ *mh/lh, e)rgalei=on, di' ou(= xri/etai/ ti kai\ u(palei/fetai.
Aorist active infinitive of
mhlo/w (
mu 937), presumably extracted from the quotation given.
kappa 652,
mu 1059.
[1] Adler notes that
Photius ad loc. reads
diaxrh=sai "to use" -- probably referring to using a finger to induce vomiting -- but in fact at mu397 Theodoridis the editor follows Dindorf in printing
Aristophanes fr. 614 Kock (625 K.-A.).
[3] cf. already
mu 922.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; medicine
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 July 2008@21:59:02.
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