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Search results for mu,922 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,922
Translated headword: probe
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the medical [sc. instrument of that name].[1]
[Note] that when a probe has been inserted into the eye, we do not apprehend the sensible objects, nor the air that happens to be between [sc. the eye and the probe], but what has been illuminated.[2] This is also the reason that perceptions of the proper sense organs are not apprehended.[3]
Greek Original:*mh/lh: h( i)atrikh/. o(/ti mh/lhs e)nteqei/shs tw=| o)fqalmw=|, ou)k a)ntilambano/meqa tw=n ai)sqhtw=n kai\ ou)de\ tou= metacu\ w(s e)/tuxen a)e/ros e)/xontos, a)lla\ pefwtisme/nou. kai\ au(/th h( ai)ti/a tou= mh\ ta\s ai)sqh/seis tw=n i)di/wn ai)sqhthri/wn a)ntilamba/nesqai.
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 28 May 2009@16:26:54.
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