It is an invocation of beneficent spirits for the production of something good; like the oracles of Apollonius of
Tyana.[1] [sc. By contrast] sorcery [
gohtei/a] is an invocation of maleficent spirits which takes place around the graves. But [the term] witchcraft [
farmakei/a] [is used] when some death-dealing concoction is given as a potion or otherwise by mouth to someone.[2]
But haruspicy [= liver-inspection] is the dissection of the entrails [of sacrificed animals], by which they used to foretell coming events. For when dissecting they observed certain signs in the livers.[3]
See also under
gohtei/a.[4] Concerning magic, see under Persians.[5]
*magei/a: e)pi/klhsi/s e)sti daimo/nwn a)gaqopoiw=n pro\s a)gaqou= tinos su/stasin: w(s ta\ tou= *)apollwni/ou tou= *tuane/ws qespi/smata. gohtei/a e)pi/klhsi/s e)sti daimo/nwn kakopoiw=n peri\ tou\s ta/fous ginome/nh. farmakei/a de/, o(/tan dia/ tinos skeuasi/as qanathfo/rou pro\s fi/ltron, h)\ a)/llws doqh=| tisi dia\ sto/matos. h(patoskopi/a de\ h( tw=n e)gka/twn a)natomh/, di' w(=n proemh/nuon ta\ sumbhso/mena. a)nate/mnontes ga\r shmei=a/ tina e)qew/roun e)n toi=s h(/pasi. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| gohtei/a. zh/tei peri\ magei/as e)n tw=| *pe/rsai.
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