*mhdismo\s o( *pausani/ou: a(lo/ntos ga\r e)pi\ mhdismw=|, sunaitiw=ntai *qemistokle/a.
Adler tentatively classifies the headword phrase as a proverb, but it is not in the paroemiographers; nor does the glossing material take the usual form of glosses on proverbs. Indeed as an
explanation (
ga/r) of the phrase 'the medism of
Pausanias' it does not really work, and seems rather to be from the middle of a broader explanatory narrative.
For the episode in question, in the second quarter of the C5 BCE, which ruined the careers of a Spartan king (P.) and an Athenian war-hero (T.), see principally
Thucydides 1.128-138 (web address 1).
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