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Search results for mu,883 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,883
Translated headword: Median grass, Persian grass, lucerne
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The so-called clover.[1]
"The so-called ancestral fund [sc. which originated] out of the Median [= Persian] Wars."[2] At the time of the Median Wars there was a decree to the effect that each should contribute to the common funds according to ability. Aristeides listed these funds to give to the allies, if they were to fight the barbarians.
On the Median [= Persian] Empire see under "Assyrians."[3]
Greek Original:*mhdikh\ po/a: h( tri/fullos legome/nh. e)k tw=n *mhdikw=n to\n lego/menon papw=|on e)/ranon. e)ge/neto e)pi\ tw=n *mhdikw=n yh/fisma, w(/ste e(/kaston kata\ du/namin sumba/llesqai ei)s ta\ koina\ xrh/mata. tau=ta de\ e)/tacen *)aristei/dhs dou=nai toi=s summa/xois, ei) toi=s barba/rois polemoi=en. zh/tei peri\ *mhdikh=s a)rxh=s e)n tw=| *)assu/rioi.
[1] From the
scholia to
Knights 606, where the headword phrase occurs. On lucerne (
Medicago sativa), used in antiquity mainly as fodder for horses, see generally Sallares 303 and index s.v.
[2] A paraphrase of
Lysistrata 653 (web address 1); it prompted the scholiast (the source of the information given here) to summarize the foundation, in 478/7, of what became the Athenian Empire. See again at
pi 266. (For Aristeides see generally
alpha 3903.) It is not clear whether this material has been included in the present entry simply because of the Median connection, or on the (mistaken) basis that
po/a has an etymological link with
alpha 4289.
J.R. Sallares, The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World (London 1991)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; geography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 September 2001@08:36:03.
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