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Search results for mu,878 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,878
Translated headword: Medeia, Medea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Colchian [woman],[1] the daughter of Aetes,[2] most venomous of women;[3] [it was she] who made it so Jason could yoke the fire-breathing bulls unharmed to plow the earth. And having taken the golden fleece he led Medea [away].
[Note] that the Greeks call naphtha "Medea's olive-oil".[4]
Greek Original:*mh/deia, *kolxi/s, h( *ai)h/tou quga/thr, farmakista/th gunaikw=n: h(/tis a)sinw=s e)poi/hse to\n *)ia/sona zeu/canta tou\s puripno/ous tau/rous a)ro/sai th\n gh=n. kai\ labw\n to\ xruso/mallon de/ras h)ga/geto th\n *mh/deian. o(/ti oi( *(/ellhnes th\n na/fqan kalou=si *mhdei/as e)/laion.
Keywords: aetiology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 8 July 2000@19:24:23.
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