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Search results for mu,828 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,828
Translated headword: they will lamb-bring the tragedy; they will weigh the tragedy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: If anyone introduced his son, having come of age, to his phratry-members, a sacrificial victim was presented in a weight prescribed as the one that had to be met, and bringing less was not permitted. When the victim was put on the scales, they would gather round and cry
meion, meion. This evidently [meant] 'it is less'. So [
Aristophanes] is saying 'they will lamb-bring/weigh the tragedy' in the light of this. They will bring it forwards to the scales and weigh it. And the man introducing the animal used to be called
meiagwgo/s victim.[1] It had to weigh less than a particular weight, because of the glory-seekers.
Greek Original:*meiagwgh/sousi th\n tragw|di/an: e)a/n tis ei)sh/gagen ei)s tou\s fra/toras ui(o\n e)nh/lika geno/menon, i(erei=on pari/stato au)tw=| e)n w(risme/nw| staqmw=|, pro\s o(\ e)/dei prosa/gein, kai\ ou)k e)ch=n mei=on parasxei=n. o(/te de\ e)nteqei/h to\ i(erei=on ei)s to\n zugo/n, periestw=tes e)bo/wn mei=on, mei=on. tou=to dhlono/ti e)/lasso/n e)sti. para\ tou=to ou)=n le/gei, meiagwgh/sousi th\n tragw|di/an. pro\s to\n zugo\n prosa/cousi kai\ sth/sousi. kai\ o( to\ pro/baton ei)sa/gwn, meiagwgo\s e)kalei=to kourei=on. e)/dei de\ au)to\ e)/latton i)/sxein staqmou= tinos, dia\ tou\s filodocou=ntas.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: children; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; law; religion; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 July 2009@07:17:30.
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