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Headword: *me/trw| u(/dwr pi/nontes, a)metri/an de\ ma=zon e)/dontes
Adler number: mu,818
Translated headword: drinking water within limits but eating unlimited barley-bread
Vetting Status: high
This line became a proverb, originating in a certain oracle which the god [Apollo] gave to the men of Sybaris; for outragers and intemperate drinkers as they were, they were destroyed by the men of Kroton. So this was what the oracle said to those of them who had taken flight.
Greek Original:
*me/trw| u(/dwr pi/nontes, a)metri/an de\ ma=zon e)/dontes: ou(=tos o( sti/xos ei)s paroimi/an perie/sth e)/k tinos xrhsmou=, o(\n a)nei=len o( qeo\s *subari/tais: u(bristai\ ga\r o)/ntes kai\ a)metropo/tai a)pw/lonto u(po\ *krotwniatw=n. toi=s ou)=n diafugou=sin au)tw=n ou(/tws e)xrh/sqh.
Zenobius 5.19; Photius, Lexicon mu377 Theodoridis and other references there.
See the note at alpha 1561, where the second clause of the proverb is written with the adverb a)metri/ ('limitlessly') in place of the adjective a)metri/an ('unlimited')
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; history; proverbs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 September 2001@06:14:47.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified headword, augmented note, added keyword, set status) on 17 September 2003@10:47:56.
David Whitehead (modified keywords) on 18 September 2003@07:21:31.
David Whitehead on 20 May 2013@06:51:20.
David Whitehead on 18 May 2016@06:06:44.


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